- Filipescu, S.G., Butacu, A.I., Tiplica, G.S., and Nastac, D.I.: "Deep‐learning approach in the study of skin lesions", Skin Research & Technology Journal, Wiley. (First published: 06 April 2021 https://doi.org/10.1111/srt.13045)
- Alexandrescu, A., and Nastac, D.I.: "Android application for data processing from a gas detection sensor in atmosphere", the 2020 IEEE 26th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), Romania, October 21–24, 2020. (Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 28 December 2020, DOI: 10.1109/SIITME50350.2020.9292171)
- Predună, T.G., Rusu, V.A., and Nastac, D.I.: "A neuro-model for weather forecasting", the 2020 IEEE 26th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), Romania, October 21–24, 2020. (Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 28 December 2020, DOI: 10.1109/SIITME50350.2020.9292299)
- Vezeteu, P.V., and Nastac, D.I.: "Simulating the evolution of infectious agents through human interaction", the 2020 IEEE 26th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), Romania, October 21–24, 2020. (Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 28 December 2020, DOI: 10.1109/SIITME50350.2020.9292169)
- Arsene, O., Postelnicu, C., Wang, W., Lohan E.-S., and Nastac D.I.: “An architecture for indoor location-aided services based on collaborative industrial robotic platforms”.In:2019 9th International Conference on Localization.GNSS (ICL-GNSS), 9th edition, June, 4-6 2019, Nuremberg, Germany.
- Nastac, D.I., Arsene, O., Dragoi, M., Stanciu, I.D. and Mocanu, I.: “An AAL scenario involving automatic data collection and robotic manipulation”. In the 3rd IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living (TechAAL 2019), London, UK, 25 March 2019 (ISBN: 978-1-83953-088-3 , Conference number: CP755)
- Andronescu, A.D., Tiplica, G.S., and Nastac, D.I.: “Skin Anomaly Detection Using Classification Algorithms”, the 2019 IEEE 25th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 23rd–26th, 2019.
- Cherciu, C., Croitoru, A.N., Svasta, P.M., and Nastac, D.I.: “Analysis of RTK Corrections for GNSS Ground Stations”, the 2019 IEEE 25th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 23rd–26th, 2019.
- Vezeteu, P.V., Popescu, I.I., and Nastac D.I.: “The Generation of Random Numbers Using the Quantum Tunnel Effect in Transistors”, the 2019 IEEE 25th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 23rd–26th, 2019.
- Morariu, A.R., Vezeteu, P.V., and Nastac, D.I. : “Tracking Device for Solar Panels”, 2018 IEEE 24th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), October 25-28, 2018, Iasi, Romania, pp. 177 – 180, (Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 03 January 2019, DOI: 10.1109/SIITME.2018.8599225).
- Vezeteu, P.V., Capraru, T.A., Niculae, S., and Nastac, D.I. : “Secure Transmission System for Personal Data Acquired Through Optical Character Recognition”, 24th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), October 25-28, 2018, Iasi, Romania, pp. 349 – 354 (Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 03 January 2019, DOI: 10.1109/SIITME.2018.8599210).
- Awada, I.A., Mocanu, I., Năstac, D.I., Benta, D., and Radu, S.: “Adaptive User Interface for Healthcare Application for People with Dementia”, in Proceedings of the 17th RoEduNet IEEE International Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet 2018), 6-8 Sept. 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 6-8 September 2018, pp. 1-5, (Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 01 November 2018, DOI: 10.1109/ROEDUNET.2018.8514150; ISBN: 978-153867135-1).
- Nastac, D.I., Anescu, G., and Ulmeanu, A.P. : “Large data analysis for advanced grids”, chapter 13 in the book: Power Engineering: Advances and Challenges Part B Electrical Power (Edited by Viorel Badescu, George Christian Lazaroiu and Linda Barelli), 1 edition (December 17, 2018), Publisher: CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group, New York), pp. 278-305 (ISBN-13: 978-1138319875, ISBN-10: 1138319872).
- Nastac, D.I., Lohan, E.S., Iftimie, F.A., Arsene, O., and Cramariuc, B.: “Automatic Data Acquisition with Robots for Indoor Fingerprinting”, The 12th International Conference on Communications (COMM), June 14-16, 2018, Bucharest, Romania, pp.: 321 – 326 (Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 08 October 2018, DOI: 10.1109/ICComm.2018.8484796)
- Nastac, D.I., Isaic-Maniu, A., and Dragan, IM.: “ANALYZING THE PROFITABILITY PERFORMANCE OF SMEs USING A NEURAL MODEL”, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, Issue 4/2017, Vol. 51, pp. 55-72 (ISSN 0424-267X)
- Nastac, D.I., Iftimie, F.A., Arsene, O., Ilian, V., and Cramariuc, B: “Indoor Positioning WLAN based Fingerprinting as Supervised Machine Learning Problem”, 2017 IEEE 23rd International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), October 26-29, Constanța, Romania, pp. 194-199 (Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 18 January 2018, DOI: 10.1109/SIITME.2017.8259888).
- Nastac, D.I., Iftimie, F.A., Arsene, O., and Cherciu, C.: “A Statistical Estimation Analysis of Indoor Positioning WLAN Based Fingerprinting”, 2017 IEEE 23rd International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), October 26-29, Constanța, Romania, pp. 239-242 (Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 18 January 2018, DOI: 10.1109/SIITME.2017.8259898).
- Popescu, A.E., and Nastac, D.I.: “Safety device for protecting persons against falling injuries”, 2017 IEEE 23rd International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), October 26-29, Constanța, Romania, pp. 235 – 238 (Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 18 January 2018, DOI: 10.1109/SIITME.2017.8259899).
- Nastac, D.I.: chapter 14 “Data forecasting based on an adaptive neural model”, in Selected Issues in Macroeconomic and Regional Modeling: Romania as an Emerging Country in the EU (Edited by Emilian Dobrescu, Bianca Pauna, and Corina Saman), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2016, pp. 231- 244 (ISBN 978-1-63484-936-4).
- Nastac, D.I., Dragan, IM. and Isaic-Maniu, A.: “A Practical Classification Model for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises According to Their Profitability”, TUCS Technical Report No. 1165, July 2016, pp. 1-18, Turku, Finland (ISBN: 978-952-12-3428-6, ISSN: 1239-1891) Available on: http://tucs.fi/publications/view/?pub_id=tNaDrIs16a).
- Sandu, O., and Nastac, I.: ”Review of Neural Networks Tools Used in Cancer and Cardiovascular Risk Models”, the 5th Inflammatory & Immunological Biomarkers Conference (Biomarker Summit 2016) on March 21-23, 2016 in San Diego, CA.
- Nastac, D.I., Dragan, IM. and Isaic-Maniu, A.: “Profitability analysis of small and medium enterprises in Romania using neural and econometric tools”, Proceedings of the NSAIS’16 Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems 2016 (Edited by Mikael Collan & Pasi Luukka), August 16-18, 2016, Lappeenranta, Finland, pp. 62-71 (ISBN 978-952-265-985-9)
- Cherciu, C. and Nastac, D.I.: “Device for intercepting and disrupting the hidden headsets”, 2016 IEEE 22nd International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME), October 20-23, 2016, Oradea, Romania (DOI: 10.1109/SIITME.2016.7777246).
- Nastac, D.I.: chapter “Amprenta unui mentor” (The footprint of a mentor) in the Memorial Book (dedicated to Acad. Prof. Paul Dan Cristea) with the title “Nu a plecat de tot…” (He is still here…), Eugenia Cristea Ed., Printech Publ. House, April 2015, pp. 320 – 341 (ISBN 978-606-23-0385-3)
- Cherciu, C., Cherciu C.I., and Nastac, D.I.: “A Portable Device for Intercepting and Retransmission of Infrared Modulated Signals”, IEEE International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME 2015), Brasov, October 22-25, 2015, Romania, pp. 277 – 280 (ISSN 2285-7109, DOI: 10.1109/SIITME.2015.7342340)
- Sandu, O., and Nastac, D.I.: “Review and Identification of Neural Networks Tools Used in New Cancer and Cardiovascular Risk Models”, AFMR 2015, USA.
- Nastac, D.I., Dragan, IM. and Isaic-Maniu, A.: "Estimating
Profitability Using a Neural Classification Tool", Proceedings of NEUREL
2014, Belgrade, Serbia, 25-27 November 2014, pp.111-114 (ISBN
978-1-4799-5887-0 and IEEE Catalog No. CFP14481-PRT).
- Dobrescu, E., Nastac, D.I., and Pelinescu, E.: "Short-term
financial forecasting using ANN adaptive predictors in cascade",
International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, Vol. 4,
No. 4, 2014, pp. 376-405 (DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2014.065519), Inderscience
Enterprises Ltd.
- Sandu, O., Nastac, I., and Uribarri, J.: "Five Years
Mortality Prediction Performance and Optimization of a New Artificial
Intelligence Model for Cardiovascular Risk", Journal of Investigative
Medicine, April 2014, Vol. 62, No. 4, 2014, pp. 760 (754).
http://journals.lww.com/jinvestigativemed/toc/2014/04000 (Oral
Presentation at the 2014 American Federation for Medical Research
(AFMR), Eastern Regional Meeting, April 9, 2014 Washington, DC.)
- Dobrescu, E., Nastac, D.I., and Pelinescu, E.: "Are the
Neural Networks 'Immune' from Database's Properties?", TUCS Technical
Report No. 1093, December 2013, pp. 1-32, Turku, Finland (ISBN:
978-952-12-2983-1 and ISSN 1239-1891) Available on:
- Nastac, D.I., and Ulmeanu A.P.: "An advanced model for
electric load forecasting", 2013 IEEE Workshop on Integration of
Stochastic Energy in Power Systems (ISEPS), Bucharest, 7 November 2013
(Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ISEPS.2013.6707942, IEEE Catalog
Number: CFP1310W-ART, ISBN: 978-1-4799-1511-8).
- Nastac, D.I., Ulmeanu A.P., Tuduce R., and Cristea P.D.: "A joint of
adaptive predictors for electric load forecasting", in Proceedings of
IWSSIP 2013, Bucharest, Romania, July 7-9, 2013, pp. 51-54 (ISBN
978-1-4799-0941-4, ISSN:2157-8672 and IEEE Catalog No. CFP1355E-PRT).
- Nastac, D.I., "Intelligent processing of multidisciplinary
information for adaptive predictions in the context of globalization"
(in Romanian: "Prelucrarea inteligentă a informațiilor multidisciplinare
pentru prognoze adaptive in contextual globalizării"), Editura Muzeul
Naţional al Literaturii Romane, Bucureşti, 2013 (ISBN
- Nastac, D.I., Pavaloiu I.B., Tuduce R., and Cristea P.D.:
"Adaptive retraining algorithm with shaken initialization", Revue
roumaine des sciences techniques - Serie electrotechnique et
energetique, Vol. 58, Nr.1, 2013, pp. 101-111 (ISSN 0035-4066)
- Pavaloiu I.B., Nastac D.I., and Cristea P.D.: "Phase Based Neuron as
a Biologically Plausible Neuron Model", Revue roumaine des sciences
techniques - Serie electrotechnique et energetique, Vol. 58, Nr. 2,
2013, pp. 215-225 (ISSN 0035-4066). Available:
- Sandu, O., Nastac, I., and Uribarri, J.: "A New Artificial
Neural Networks Model of Cardiovascular Risk in Renal Disease Outlines
Carotid Artery Markers" - Oral Presentation at the 2013 American
Federation for Medical Research (AFMR), Eastern Regional Meeting, April
17, 2013 Washington, DC. (has obtained AFMR Easten Region Scholar Award)
- Nastac, D. I., and Cristea, P.D.: "A modified adaptive
retraining procedure for data forecasting", in Proceedings of NEUREL
2012, Belgrade, Serbia, 20-22 September 2012. (ISBN 978-1-4673-1571-5
and IEEE Catalog No. CFP12481-CDR).
- Cristea P.D., Tuduce R. and Nastac D .I., "An Artificial
Neural Network method to forecast the electrical load", in Proceedings
of WESC 2012 - 9th World Energy Systems Conference, Suceava, Romania,
June 28-30, 2012, AGIR Bulletin, No. 2, 2012, pp. 1-8. Available:
http://www.buletinulagir.agir.ro/ ISSN-L 1224-7928 (Online: ISSN
- Sandu O., Nastac I., and Uribarri J.:"NEURAL MODEL OF CARDIOVASCULAR
OVER TRADITIONAL RISK FACTORS", at the 80th European Atherosclerosis Society
Meeting, Milan, Italy, May 26-29, 2012.
- Sandu O., Uribarri J. and Nastac I.:"The neural predictive
performance model of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with renal
disease, over five years, outlines carotid artery markers over traditional
risk factors", at the American Society of Hypertension, 27th Annual
Scientific Meeting, New York, New York May 19 - 22, 2012 - Journal of
Clinical Hypertension 2012; Volume 14, Issue Supplement s1: 186. Available:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jch.2012.14.issue-s1/issuetoc,
- Nastac, D. I., and Cristea, P.D.: "An ANN - PCA Adaptive Forecasting
Model", in Proceedings of IWSSIP 2012, Vienna, Austria, 11-13 April 2012,
pp. 532-535 (ISBN 978-3-200-02588-2 and IEEE Catalog No. CFP1255E-CDR).
- Nastac I.: "Intelligent adaptive model for reliable financial
predictions", chapter in "Non-Linear Modeling in Economics - Beyond
Standard Economics", L. Albu Ed., Expert Publ., Bucharest, pp. 166-177
(ISBN 978-973-618-260-0)
- Nastac, D. I., and Cristea, P.D.: "Specific aspects on the
prediction of DNA sequences", in Proceedings of GSP 2011 - 2nd
International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing, Bucharest, Romania,
27-28 June 2011, Paul Dan Cristea, Ed., pp. 103-108 (ISSN: 2247-6121)
- Nastac, D. I., Tanase, N. and Cristea, P.D.: "Smart
predictive model for air pollutants", in Proceedings of GSP 2011 - 2nd
International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing, Bucharest, Romania,
27-28 June 2011, Paul Dan Cristea, Ed., pp. 131-134 (ISSN: 2247-6121)
- Sandu O., Nastac, I., and Uribarri J.: "THE INCREMENTAL
Promoting Cardiovascular Health Conference (Presented by the New York
Academy of Sciences, "la Caixa" Foundation, and the International Center
for Scientific Debate - ICSD), November 4 - 5, 2011/ Spain, CosmoCaixa,
- Nastac, I.: "An adaptive forecasting intelligent model for
nonstationary time series", Journal of Applied Operational Research,
Vol. 2, 2010, No. 2, pp. 117-129 (ISSN 1735-8523)
- Sandu, O., Nastac, I., and Uribarri, J.: "Incremental
Predictive Value of Noninvasive Vascular Assessments Over Traditional
Risk Factors in Patients with Hypertension, Diabetes and Renal Disease",
American Society of Hypertension, 2010 Annual Scientific Meeting (ASH
2010), 25th Anniversary, 1986-2010, Hilton, New York, May, 1-4, 2010
- Nastac, I., and Tuduce, R.: "An Adaptive Intelligent Model
for Nucleotide Sequence Forecasting", Proceedings of the 4th
International Symposium on Communications, Control & Signal Processing
(ISCCSP 2010), Special Session, SS 3-4, March 3-5, 2010, Limassol,
Cyprus, 2010 IEEE Catalog Number: CFP10824-CDR. (ISBN:
- Nastac, I.: "A flexible forecasting intelligent model for non
stationary time series", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference
on Applied Operational Research (ICAOR'10), 25-27 August 2010, Lecture
Notes in Management Science, vol 2, 2010, pp. 78-89 (ISSN 2008-0050)
- Nastac, I., Bacivarov, A. and Costea, A.: "A
Neuro-Classification Model for Socio-Technical Systems", Romanian Journal
of Economic Forecasting, Vol. XI, No. 3/ 2009, pp. 100-109. (ISSN
- Arsene, O., Cristea, P., Tuduce, R., Dinca, A., Nastac, I.,
Nicolau, D., and Fulga, F.: "Software for the local description of
molecular surfaces by using advanced Java technologies", The 6-TH
INFORMATICS (ICTAMI 2009), Alba Iulia, Romania, September, 3-6, 2009
- Sandu, O., Nastac, I., Radbill, B., Shapiro, R., Windston, J.
and Uribarri, J.: "In patients with renal disease, structural carotid
artery features greatly enhance prediction of cardiovascular outcome and
are linked with endothelial dysfunction irreversibility", 11th
International Conference on Dialysis, Advances in CKD, Las Vegas, USA,
January 2009
- Cristea, P., Tuduce, R., Nastac, I., Cornelis, J., Deklerk, R. and
Andrei, M.: "Signal Representation and Processing of Nucleotide Sequences",
International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine
(IJFIPM), Vol. 1, No. 3, 2008, pp. 253-268. INDERSCIENCE Publishers
(ISSN-Online: 1756-2112, or ISSN-Print: 1756-2104)
Nastac, D.I., "Data Structures and Algorithms. Applications" (in
Romanian: Structuri de date si algoritmi - Aplicatii), Printech Publishing
House, Bucharest, 2008 (ISBN 978-973-718-989-9)
- Nastac, I., Dobrescu, E. and Pelinescu, E.: "Neuro-Adaptive Model
for Financial Forecasting", Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, No. 3/ 2007,
(ISSN 1222-5436)
- Nastac, I. and Costea A.: "A retraining procedure application for
data prediction", UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering, vol. 69,
No. 2, 2007, pp. 15-25. (ISSN 1454-234x)
- Nastac, I., Dobrescu, E. and Pelinescu, E.: "Adaptive forecasting
method for nonstationary time series", The 27th International Symposium on
Forecasting (ISF 2007), New York, pp. 42
- Cristea, P., Tuduce, R., Nastac, I., Cornelis, J., Deklerk, R., and
Andrei, M.: "Signal Representation and Processing of Nucleotide Sequences",
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering
(IEEE BIBE 2007), Boston, USA, October 2007, pp. 1214-1220. (ISBN 1-4244-1509-8 and IEEE
Catalog No. 07EX1893).
- Cristea, P., Deklerk, R., Cornelis, J., Tuduce, R., Nastac, I. and
Andrei, M.: "ANN Prediction of Nucleotide Sequences Link of Principal Component
Analysis to Fourier Transform", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Systems,
Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2007), Maribor, Slovenia, June 2007, pp. 73-78. (ISBN
978-961-248-029-5 and IEEE Catalog No. 07EX1858C)
- Nastac, I. and Cristea, P.: "ANN Flexible Forecasting for the
Adaptive Monitoring of a Multi-Tube Reactor", Proceedings of the International
Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2007), Maribor, Slovenia, June
2007, pp. 205-208. (ISBN 978-961-248-029-5 and IEEE Catalog No. 07EX1858C)
- Tugui C., Teodorescu T., Crivat A., and Nastac, I.: "Digital
Electrocardiograph", Proceedings of the International Symposium for Design and
Technology of Electronic Packages (SIITME 2007), Baia Mare, Romania
- Nastac, I., and R. Matei: "Scaling factor effect on neural
networks retraining procedure", UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical
Engineering, vol. 68, No. 2, 2006, pp. 3-14. (ISSN 1454-234x)
- Dobrescu, E., Nastac, D.I., and Pelinescu, E.: "An adaptive
retraining method for exchange rate forecasting", Romanian Journal of Economic
Forecasting, No. 1/ 2006, pp. 5-21. (ISSN 1222-5436)
- Nastac, D.I.: "Fundamentals of C Programming" (in Romanian:
Programarea calculatoarelor in limbajul C - Elemente fundamentale), Printech Publishing
House, Bucharest, 2006 (ISBN 973-718-464-5)
- Tiplica, T., Verron, V., Kobi, A., and Nastac, I.: "FDI in
Multivariate Process with Naive Bayesian Network in the Space of Discriminant
Factors", Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence for
Modelling, Control and Automation - CIMCA 2006, Sydney, Australia
- Costea A., and Nastac, I.: "Assessing the Predictive Performance
of ANN Classifiers Based on Different Data Preprocessing Methods", Internat. Journal
of Intelligent Sys. Acc. Fin. Mgmt. vol. 13, issue 4 (December 2005), pp. 217-250, DOI:
10.1002/isaf. 269, Wiley InterScience (ISSN 1099-1174)
- Dobrescu, E., Nastac, D.I., and Pelinescu, E.: "Exchange rate
forecasting using an adaptive neural technique", EC2 Conference 2005: Econometrics of
Financial and Insurance Risks, Istanbul, December 2005. (also available on http://www.riskturk.com/ec2/)
- Nastac, D.I., and Cristea, P.: "Neuro-Adaptive Forecasting for
Nonstationary Sequences", Proceedings of IEEE-SOFA 2005, Szeged, August 2005, pp.
179-186. (ISBN 963-219-001-7)
- Nastac, D.I., and Cristea, P.: "DNA Sequences Forecasting using an
Adaptive Retraining Procedure", Proceedings of International Workshop on Genomic
Signal Processing (GSP 2005), Bucharest, July 2005
- Nastac, D.I.: "A Neural Network Adaptive Algorithm for Economic
Forecasting", Proceedings of the 7-th International Conference on Informatics,
Bucharest, May 2005, pp. 612-616. (ISBN 973-8360-014-8)
- Costea A., and Nastac, I.: "Three factors affecting the predictive
performance of ANNs: pre-processing method, data distribution and training
mechanism", TUCS Technical Report, No. 679, April 2005, Turku, Finland. (ISBN:
952-12-1530-5) (also available on
2004, and Costea, A.: A Retraining Neural Network Technique for Glass
Manufacturing Data Forecasting, Proceedings of IJCNN 2004, Vol. 4, IEEE Print,
Budapest, July 2004, pp. 2753-2758. (ISBN 0-7803-8359-1 and IEEE Catalog No. 04CH37541)
Nastac, D.I., and Costea, A.: "A Neural Network Retraining Approach for
Process Output Prediction", Proceedings of SCI 2004, Orlando, Florida, July 2004, pp.
388-393 (ISBN: 980-6560-13-2).
Nastac, D.I., Collan F.Y., Back B., Collan M., Kuopio T. and Jalva P.: Breast
cancer prediction using a neural network model, Proceedings of World Automation
Congress (WAC) 2004, Seville, June 2004. (ISBN 1-889335-20-7 and IEEE Catalog No.
Nastac, D.I.: Adaptive Forecasting with Retrained Neural Networks,
Proceedings of EUNITE 2004, Aachen, Germany, June 2004, pp. 458-466. (ISBN 3-86130-368-X)
(also available on www.eunite.org/eunite/
Eunite Competition - Prediction of Product Quality in Glass manufacturing Process ,
Summary of the Results and Collection of Reports, pp. 55-63).
Nastac, D.I.: An Adaptive Retraining Technique to Predict the Critical Process
Variables, TUCS Technical Report, No. 616, June 2004, Turku, Finland. (ISBN:
952-12-1379-5) (also available on www.tucs.fi/research/series/serie.php?type=techreport&year=2004)
Nastac, D.I., Collan F.Y., Back B., Collan M., Kuopio T. and Jalva P.: A
Neural Network Model for Estrogen Receptor Status Prediction, TUCS Technical Report,
No. 610, April 2004, Turku, Finland. (ISBN: 952-12-1351-5) (also available on www.tucs.fi/research/series/serie.php?type=techreport&year=2004)
2003, and Matei, R.: Fast retraining of artificial neural
networks, in Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing, Wang et al.
(Eds.), Springer-Verlag in the series of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI
2639), 2003, pp. 458-462. (ISBN 3-540-14040-9)
Nastac, D.I., and Matei, R.: An efficient procedure for artificial neural
networks retraining, Proceedings of ICEIS 2003, Vol. 2 (Artificial Intelligence and
Decision Support Systems), Angers, France, April 2003, pp. 324-329. (ISBN 972-98816-1-8)
Nastac, D.I., and Koskivaara, E.: Financial Forecasting Using Neural Networks
Model, Proceedings of the 6-th ICEI, Bucharest, Romania, May 2003, pp. 612-616.
(ISBN 973-8360-02-1)
Nastac, D.I., and Costea, A.: "Forecasting the Process Outputs with
Retraining Neural Network Model", EUNITE Competition 2003, Oulu, Finland, July 2003
(available on www.eunite.org/eunite/,
Eunite Competition 2003 - Prediction of Product Quality in Glass manufacturing Process ,
Summary of the Results and Collection of Reports, pp. 110-116).
Nastac, D.I., and Costea, A.: "Advanced Data Forecasting Using Retraining
Neural Network Technique", TUCS Technical Report, No. 542, June 2003, Turku, Finland.
(ISBN 952-12-1197-0) (also available on www.tucs.fi/research/series/serie.php?type=techreport&year=2003)
Nastac, D.I., and Matei, R.: A Retraining Improvement of Feedforward Neural
Networks, TUCS Technical Report 504, Turku Centre for Computer Science, February
2003. (ISBN 952-12-1110-5) (also available on www.tucs.fi/research/series/serie.php?type=techreport&year=2003)
Nastac, D.I., and Koskivaara, E.: A Neural Network Model for Prediction:
Architecture and Training Analysis, TUCS Technical Report 521, Turku Centre for
Computer Science, April 2003. (ISBN 952-12-1150-4) (also available on www.tucs.fi/research/series/serie.php?type=techreport&year=2003)
Bacivarov, A., Bacivarov, C., Nastac, I., Tiplica, T., and Cristea, C.:
Offices Software (Software pentru Birotica), Electronica 2000 Ed.,
Bucharest, 2003. In Romanian (ISBN 973-99878-3-4)
2002, Matei, R., Cristea, P., and Kessler, M.: Imaging and learning in
back-scattered light by artificial neural networks, Photonics West, Proceedings of
SPIE vol. 4623, San Jose California, January 2002, pp. 124-133. (ISBN 0-8194-4362-X and
ISSN 1605-7422)
Kessler, M., Nastac, D.I., and Koller, P.: EMPHO Oxygradient I for
monitoring in skin and skeletal muscle, Photonics West, Proceedings of SPIE vol.
4623, San Jose California, January 2002, pp. 94-101. (ISBN 0-8194-4362-X and ISSN
Kessler, M., Nastac, D.I., and Koller, P.: EMPHO Oxygradient II for
monitoring in organs during surgery and gastrointestinal diseases, Photonics West,
Proceedings of SPIE vol. 4623, San Jose California, January 2002, pp. 102-109. (ISBN
0-8194-4362-X and ISSN 1605-7422)
Kessler, M., Cristea, P., Nastac, D.I., and Albert-Hehn, B.: EMPHO
Oxyscan Spectrometer for 2D- and 3D-Imaging in VIS and NIR, Photonics West,
Proceedings of SPIE vol. 4623, San Jose California, January 2002, pp. 110-115. (ISBN
0-8194-4362-X and ISSN 1605-7422)
Kessler, M., Nastac, D.I., and Frank, K.: Quantitative Monitoring of
Drug-Tissue Interaction in Perfused Organs, Photonics West, Proceedings of SPIE vol.
4623, San Jose California, January 2002, pp. 370-375. (ISBN 0-8194-4362-X and ISSN
Nastac, D.I., and Nastac, D.: Data Processing through Artificial Neural
Networks (Prelucrarea informatiei prin intermediul retelelor neuronale artificiale),
Inventions & Economy (Inventica si Economie), No. 2 (62), Bucharest, February 2002,
pp. 21-23. In Romanian (ISSN 124-7278)
Nastac, D.I.: Artificial Neural Networks Advanced Data Processing (Retele neuronale
artificiale Procesarea avansata a datelor), Printech Publ. House,
Bucharest, Romania, 2002. In Romanian (ISBN 973-652-555-4)
2001: A New Way for Neural Networks Training, Proceedings of the
8th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP
2001), P.Cristea et al. Ed., Bucharest, June 2001, pp. 141-144. (ISBN 973-8143-54-3)
Bacivarov, A., Bacivarov, I., Nastac, D.I.: Predictable Quality with Neural
Networks, in Symposium of Education and Research (30 Years of Electronics Technology
and Reliability Department Experience), Bucharest, November 2001, pp. 49-54.
Nastac, D.I., and Nastac, D.: Towards fifth computer generation (Spre
generatia a V-a de calculatoare), Inventions & Economy (Inventica si Economie),
No. 11-12 (59-60), Bucharest, November 2002, pp. 61-63. In Romanian (ISSN 124-7278)
: "Contributions in Technical Systems Quality Modelling through
Artificial Intelligence Methods", PhD Thesis, UPB, Bucharest, 2000.
Bacivarov, I., Bacivarov, A., Nastac, D.I.: Some aspects concerning neural
networks reliability evaluation (Asupra evaluarii fiabilitatii unor retele
neuronale), Quality Journal (Revista Calitatea), No.1, Bucharest, 2000, pp. 70-72.
In Romanian (ISSN 1582-2559)
Nastac, D.I.: Artificial Intelligence in INTERNET Data Analysing, Annual
National Symposium in Quality and Reliability, Bucharest, November 2000.
Nastac, D.I.: Artificial Neural Network Integration in Future Computers
(Integrarea retelelor neuronale artificiale in systemele de calcul ale viitorului),
Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Alternative Economics Strategies,
Bucharest, November 2000, pp. 204-210. In Romanian (ISBN 973-8008-84-0)
- Bacivarov, A., Bacivarov, I., Nastac, D.I.: Connectionist Systems A
New Direction for Quality Prediction, in Quality, Management and Education, I.
Bacivarov et al. Ed., INFOREC, Bucharest, Romania, 1999, pp 87-95. (ISBN 973-98508-4-7)
- Bacivarov, A., Bacivarov, I., Nastac, D.I.: Learning and Problem Solving
with Connectionist Systems, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical
Engineering, vol. 61, No. 1-2, Bucharest, 1999, pp. 139-152. (ISSN 1454-234x)
- Nastac, D.I.
, Wiener, U.: Neural Networks for Control and System
Identification, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering, vol. 61,
No. 1-2, Bucharest, 1999, pp. 121-138. (ISSN 1454-234x)
- Nastac, D.I.
: An Efficient Reliability Model for Technical Systems
Design, Scientific Report, UPB, March 1999.
- Nastac, D.I.
: Neural Networks Applications in Computer-aided Circuit
Design, Proceedings of The 5th Symposium for Design and Technology of
Electronic Modules (SIITME99), Bucharest, September 1999, pp. 186-190. (ISBN
- Bacivarov, A., Bacivarov, I., Nastac, D.I.: Reliable Prediction with Neural
Networks, The 7th International Conference on Applied and
Industrial Mathematics (CAIM 99), Pitesti, October 1999. (Scientific Bulletin:
Mathematics and Informatics Series, nr. 6, pp. 13-20, Pitesti, 2000, ISSN 1453-116x.)
- Nastac, D.I.
, Wiener, U.: Control and System Identification with Artificial
Inteligence Methods, The 7th International Conference on Applied and
Industrial Mathematics (CAIM 99), Pitesti, October 1999.
- Nastac, D.I.
, Bacivarov, A.: Aspects Concerning the Tolerance of the
Connectionist Model Deficiency, Annual National Symposium in Quality and
Reliability, Bucharest, in Optimum Q journal, No. 2, 1999, pp. 19-24. (ISSN 1220-6598)
- Bacivarov, A., Bacivarov, I., Nastac, D.I., Wiener, U.: Non-conventional
Mathematical Method for Modeling Technical Systems and Controllers, Proceedings of
the 6th International Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIM
98), Pitesti, Romania, 1998. (Scientific Bulletin: Mathematics and Informatics
Series, nr. 4, pp. 7-28, Pitesti, 1999, ISSN 1453-116x)
- Nastac, D.I.
: Artificial Intelligence Applications for High Reliability
Systems, Scientific Report, UPB, November 1998.
- Bacivarov, A., Nastac, D.I.: Using Guide for Students in C Programming
Language (Limbaje de programare - Limbajul C), "Politehnica" University of
Bucharest Ed., 1997. In Romanian
- Nastac, D.I.
: Neural Networks Design For Reliability Learning and
Problem Solving with Connectionist Systems, Technical Report, TIMA, INP Grenoble,
May - July 1997